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柬埔寨為中南半島古國,有兩千年以上之歷史。 扶南為秦、漢屬國。《後漢書》稱為「究不事」,《隋書》首先稱為真臘。《唐書》稱為吉蔑、閣蔑(都是Khmer的對音)。宋代稱為真臘,一名真里富,元朝稱為「甘勃智」,《明史》稱「甘武者」,明萬曆後稱「柬埔寨」。「究不事」、「甘勃智」,「甘武者」、「柬埔寨」都是 Camboja 的音,真臘、真里富來自「暹粒」Siem Reap。
西元一世紀時,柬境建立扶南國,奉印度教為國教,故受印度文化影響甚深。扶南王國國都是毗耶陀補羅城(Vyadhapura,梵文:獵人城),在今巴南(Banam)附近,有湄公河西北流東入海。高棉語中扶南國王叫Kurung bnam,Kurung(帝)bnam(山),扶南是bnam(山)的對音。扶南國有屬國真臘。公元七世紀中葉,扶南國為北方倔起的真臘所滅,扶南王子流亡爪哇,建立山帝王朝。


Cambodia is an ancient civilization with a long history in Southeast Asia. Founded in the 1st century AD, it went through the Funan and Chenla periods in ancient times. Among them, the Angkor Dynasty was powerful from the 9th to the early 15th century and created the world-famous Angkor civilization. From the end of the 16th century, Chenla began to decline. By the end of the 18th century, Cambodia was basically under the control of its strong neighbors and became a vassal state. At the same time, from the 17th century to the 18th century, Vietnam gradually annexed the entire territory of Lower Cambodia, forming today's South Vietnam.
Cambodia is an ancient country on the Indochina Peninsula with a history of more than two thousand years. Funan was a vassal state of Qin and Han. "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" called it "Jiebushi", and "Book of Sui" first called it Zhenla. "Book of Tang" is called Ji Mi and Ge Mi (both are antiphonic of Khmer). In the Song Dynasty it was called Zhenla, and in the Yuan Dynasty it was called "Gan Bozhi". "Jiebushi", "Ganbozhi", "Ganwuzhe", and "Cambodia" are all pronounced in Camboja, and Chenla and Zhenlifu come from Siem Reap, "Siem Reap".
In the first century AD, Funan Kingdom was established in Cambodia, and Hinduism was regarded as the state religion, so it was deeply influenced by Indian culture. The Kingdom of Funan is all located in Vyadhapura (Sanskrit: Hunter's City), near today's Banam, where the Mekong River flows from the northwest to the sea. In Khmer, the King of Funan is called Kurung bnam, Kurung (emperor) bnam (mountain), and Funan is the antiphonal of bnam (mountain). Funan State-owned Chenla. In the middle of the seventh century A.D., Funan Kingdom was destroyed by Chenla, which rose up in the north. The Prince of Funan fled to Java and established the Shandi Dynasty.
The Angkor Dynasty, which emerged from the 9th century to the 15th century, was known as the Khmer Empire. It was a prosperous country with splendid culture. Its territory included the entire territory of today's Cambodia and parts of the three countries of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. In the fifth year of Ming Xuande (1430), Siam invaded Cambodia, surrounded Angkor Thom for seven months, and finally broke through Angkor. Because Angkor was too close to the border of Siam, Cambodia abandoned Angkor and moved its capital to Phnom Penh.
Since then, Cambodia's national situation has declined and it has been invaded by Vietnam. After 1863, it became a French protectorate. Occupied by the Japanese army from 1942 to 1945, it became independent from France on November 9, 1953 after the war. Then Cambodia went through the Kingdom of Cambodia (Shiyanu) period, the Khmer Republic (Lon Nol) period, the Khmer Khmer rule (Pol Pot) period, the Phnom Penh regime (Han Sanglin) and the coalition government period of the three factions, the National Supreme Council (Fourth faction leader), the Agency in Cambodia (UNTAC) period and even the current coalition government period.


據奧林匹克城的工作人員Sopheak Long介紹,現在正在建設中的四棟住宅樓成交率全部都在五成以上,有的甚至高達80%左右。雖然這些樓盤的完工時間預計在2020年左右,但是並不能阻止買房者火熱的購房意願。

Cambodian real estate has recently ushered in a sales peak. According to the survey, the turnover rate of many real estate projects in Phnom Penh has exceeded half, and some units have been sold out. In the past three months, buyers from Taiwan and Japan have become the main consumers in the real estate sales market.
"The return on investment in real estate in Cambodia is relatively high. Our houses are selling very well now. More than half of many real estate projects have been sold. In the past, houses in Southeast Asia, mainly in Thailand and Malaysia, sold relatively well. Recently, consumption Investors' investment focus has shifted to Cambodia, so our sales have been very good recently." said Peng Suli, director of real estate sales at Canadia Bank.
Viewing groups from Taiwan and other places continue to patronize various properties in Phnom Penh. In the past, each inspection group would have 20 to 30 people at a time, but recently each group has only a dozen or so people, and sometimes only seven or eight people. This may seem out of line with the realities of booming real estate sales in Cambodia, but it is not. The decrease in the number of people is mainly due to the sudden increase in the number of viewers, and it is difficult to book air tickets. The salesperson revealed that if you want to come to Cambodia to see a house now, you have to make an appointment one month in advance to successfully join the group and buy a ticket.
These buyers from Taiwan and Japan mainly invest in real estate in Phnom Penh, and some sellers even buy multiple houses at once. The reporter learned in the interview that since these houses are mainly used for investment, house buyers prefer relatively small apartment types such as one-bedroom and two-bedroom. The sales of three-bedroom apartments with an area of about 200 square meters are relatively lagging behind.
"Different from the consumption of other commodities, those people who organize groups to inspect houses in Cambodia from overseas have a transaction rate as high as 70% to 80% each time. In fact, the members of these overseas inspection groups basically already owned property before coming to Cambodia. They have a strong willingness to buy, so their transaction rate will be particularly high." Peng Suli told reporters.
According to Sopheak Long, a staff member of Olympic City, the turnover rates of the four residential buildings currently under construction are all above 50%, and some are even as high as 80%. Although the completion time of these real estate projects is expected to be around 2020, it does not stop buyers from buying houses.


根據長富國際地產研究部彙整Global Property Guide等統計數據指出,去年台灣投資者最主要投資的海外房地產地區,包括日本、柬埔寨、馬來西亞及泰國等,4國平均年漲幅從4%至17%不等,其中,金邊的漲勢更逐漸取代馬來西亞,成為2014年民眾赴海外投資房地產,僅次於日本的新興投資地區。
柬埔寨近年來房地產市場穩健向上成長,首都金邊2013年及2014年2年平均房價漲幅都達2位數,金邊年租金投資報酬率約5%至6%,也被Global Property Guide評鑑為「相當值得投資」的國家。

In 2014, Taiwanese investors remitted funds overseas, which also led to a boom in overseas real estate transactions. In addition, investors from other countries are also optimistic about the development of cities such as ASEAN, which has caused housing prices in Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and other cities to rise rapidly. According to industry statistics, including In Phnom Penh, Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok, housing prices in Cambodia rose by 17%, 9% and 4% respectively in 2014, far exceeding the 2% increase in Taipei.
Housing prices in Phnom Penh, Cambodia took off last year, with an astonishing increase.
According to statistics such as the Global Property Guide compiled by the Research Department of Changfu International Real Estate, last year, Taiwan investors mainly invested in overseas real estate regions, including Japan, Cambodia, Malaysia and Thailand, and the average annual growth rate of the four countries ranged from 4% to 17%. Among them, Phnom Penh's rise has gradually replaced Malaysia, becoming an emerging investment area second only to Japan in 2014 when people went overseas to invest in real estate.
Cambodia’s real estate market has been growing steadily in recent years. The average housing prices in the capital, Phnom Penh, have increased by double digits in 2013 and 2014. Phnom Penh’s annual rental return on investment is about 5% to 6%. It has also been evaluated by Global Property Guide as “quite "Worth investing in" countries.


柬埔寨不是只有诈骗 王嘉纬 2022.09.29

柬埔寨是当今各国经贸外交的兵家必争之地。 图/美联社








在外来投资涌入及出口快速成长的助攻下,根据亚洲开发银行 (ADB) 9月底所公布的预估,柬埔寨2022年经济成长可达5.3%,高于东南亚平均的5.1%,2023年更上探6.2%,位居东盟前段班。其实COVID-19亦曾重创柬国经济,2020年一度惊见负成长,所幸疫情控制得宜,尤其完整接种疫苗的人口比率已近九成,有助于从疫情泥淖中尽速抽身。

例如「日经亚洲」(Nikkei Asia) 今年7月发布的「COVID-19复苏指数」,柬埔寨在全球121个国家和地区中排名第一,显见其疫后复苏力道之强劲。ADB则另有研究,特别点出柬埔寨之潜在绿色商机,像是洁净能源转型、循环经济、永续交通系统等领域,将扮演疫后发展的关键驱动力。


Cambodia is not only fraud Wang Jiawei 2022.09.29
Cambodia is a battleground for the economic, trade and diplomacy of various countries today. Photo / Associated Press


In recent days, Cambodia, which has frequently appeared in the media due to fraud scandals, has become a country of human trafficking that should be avoided under the overwhelming sensational reports. But in fact, Cambodia is also a battleground for the economic, trade and diplomacy of various countries today. From mainland China to Japan, the United States, and even our country’s new southward policy, all of them point their swords at the Mekong region where Cambodia is located.

In recent years, with its outstanding economic performance and open attitude towards foreign investment, Cambodia has attracted companies from various countries to settle in. Our banking industry is also in the ranks and has become a cornucopia of overseas profits.

Of course, the prosperity is not without hidden worries. The long-term risk of excessive concentration of industries and markets will plant variables for its long-term development.

Cambodia is adjacent to Vietnam and Thailand, the two major ASEAN economies, and can also be connected to Singapore and Malaysia by sea. It has a very geostrategic position in the Indochina Peninsula. In this regard, mainland China, which has maintained friendly relations with Cambodia for many years, naturally regards Cambodia as a key aid target under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.

The United States and Japan will certainly not take it lightly in the face of China's continued expansion of power. They will strengthen their regional influence to compete with China through core plans such as the Lower Mekong Initiative and the Indo-Pacific Strategy.

On the one hand, Cambodia has a good balance between the United States, Japan and mainland China, attracting foreign governments and international organizations to fund infrastructure construction; on the other hand, Cambodia has always held a friendly attitude towards foreign investors. There are no restrictions to attract foreign investment to Cambodia. For example, in the financial industry, the entry threshold for foreign-funded institutions is relatively low among ASEAN countries, and it has advantages such as high interest rate differentials, US dollar transactions, and less foreign exchange controls.

Therefore, eight Taiwan-funded banks have set up more than 50 bases in Cambodia. In the first half of 2022, they made a profit of nearly 2 billion yuan, which not only hit a record high for the same period in history, but also made Cambodia the fifth largest overseas profit market for Bank of China.

With the help of the influx of foreign investment and the rapid growth of exports, according to the forecast released by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) at the end of September, Cambodia's economic growth in 2022 can reach 5.3%, which is higher than the average of 5.1% in Southeast Asia. Exploring 6.2%, ranking in the top class of ASEAN. In fact, COVID-19 has also severely damaged the Cambodian economy. In 2020, it was surprised to see negative growth. Fortunately, the epidemic was well controlled, especially since nearly 90% of the population has been fully vaccinated, which will help to get out of the quagmire of the epidemic as soon as possible.

For example, in the "COVID-19 Recovery Index" released by Nikkei Asia in July this year, Cambodia ranked first among 121 countries and regions in the world, which shows its strong post-epidemic recovery. ADB has another study, specifically pointing out the potential green business opportunities in Cambodia, such as clean energy transformation, circular economy, sustainable transportation system and other fields, which will play a key driving force for post-pandemic development.





On Oct 25, 2021  2,529
ViN Grow realty公司总经理任邵帕于25日透露,金边新国际机场建设项目正有序推进,项目施工进度迄今已完成约50%。


据悉,金边新国际机场距离金边市约20公里,由海外柬华投资有限公司(OCIC)和民航国务秘书处联合成立的CAIC公司投资。机场由英国知名公司 Foster & Partners 负责设计,项目第一阶段预计将耗资15亿美元,计划将于2023年竣工。



About 50% of the construction of Phnom Penh's new international airport has been completed (left picture)

On Oct 25, 2021 2,529
Ren Shaopa, general manager of ViN Grow realty, revealed on the 25th that the Phnom Penh New International Airport construction project is progressing in an orderly manner, and the construction progress of the project has been completed by about 50%.

He said that although it is still under the general environment of the new crown epidemic, the construction project of Phnom Penh's new international airport is progressing in an orderly manner, and the construction personnel of the contractor company are speeding up the construction to ensure regular completion.

It is reported that Phnom Penh New International Airport is about 20 kilometers away from Phnom Penh, and is invested by CAIC, a company jointly established by Overseas Cambodian Chinese Investment Co., Ltd. (OCIC) and the Civil Aviation State Secretariat. The airport is designed by the well-known British company Foster & Partners. The first phase of the project is expected to cost US$1.5 billion and is scheduled to be completed in 2023.

The airport is a 4F airport, which can take off and land various large aircraft. After it is completed and put into operation, it is estimated that it can receive 13 million domestic and foreign tourists every year. The second phase will be completed in 2030 and can receive 30 million people per year. The third phase will be completed in 2050 and can receive 50 million people per year.


中建三局承建的柬埔寨新金边国际机场项目航站楼主体封顶(右图 )






The main body of the terminal building of the new Phnom Penh International Airport project in Cambodia

undertaken by China Construction Third Engineering Bureau was capped (pictured on the right)

Release date: 2022-01-28

On January 24, the main structure of the terminal building of Cambodia's new Phnom Penh International Airport, which was undertaken by the First Company of China Construction Third Bureau, was fully capped.

The project is located about 20 kilometers south of Phnom Penh City, covering an area of 2,600 hectares, straddling Kandal Province and Takeo Province, and is the highest 4F airport in the world. After completion, it will greatly ease the operating pressure of Cambondia's airports and play a positive role in attracting more international tourists to Cambodia. The 2023 Southeast Asian Games will be held in Cambodia, and the project will serve as the national gateway of Cambodia to receive tourists from all over the world.

The project builds a "cloud-built smart-connected combat command room". Through information management, online supervision of standard management actions for a single scene is realized, key links and key actions of project management are implemented, space problems of project management are solved, and high-quality performance of contracts is promoted. (Contributed by China Construction Third Bureau)




Cambodian file